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Blenhein Primary School

Sheringham Primary School Newsletter

Friday 26th April 2024


SATs - A message to year 6 parents

Year 6 national SATs tests are just two weeks away, beginning on 13th May.  The learning over the next two weeks is extremely important so please do make sure that your child is at school every day and on time.  It’s also important to get into a good routine before the tests start, making sure that your child gets a good night’s sleep and is doing a bit of extra revision at home - their teacher will support this by suggesting appropriate activities and answering questions you may have. Thank you for your help with this.


Year 4 Maths parents’ workshop

It was lovely to see so many of our parents attend the Year 4 Maths workshop on Tuesday. We hope you had fun playing the games with your children. So you can continue to practise at home, the slides have been shared through Arbor and are in your child’s Google Classroom.


Earth Day

On Monday, Green Rangers and People & Planet club members went on a visit to UCL East to take part in a day of workshops about Earth Day. Children watched a dance performance by Akademi, which explored the relationship between humans and plastic, and took part in a robotics workshop. The focus was on creative thinking and innovation to come up with solutions to the current climate problems we face.

“It was the best day EVER!” Yusuf

“It’s important to learn about the planet… and how to keep it clean and healthy,” Zain and Eshal


Visitors to Sheringham

Leaders from seven different London schools came to our first Sheringham open morning this week to see how we do things here at Sheringham. They were particularly interested in our Early Years and SEND provision. We are pleased to report that they were appropriately impressed: 

“Thank you very much for generously giving your time yesterday. Looking at your quality provision showed that we are on the right track but seeing how well it can work is so motivating. Please thank all your team for their time and the warm welcome.” Head of School, Hayes


Year 5 MyBnk Workshops

Understanding how to look after money is a difficult and essential skill. So over the next couple of weeks, Year 5 will be participating in a series of money workshops provided by MyBnk. Children will be learning about effective money habits, the difference between needs and wants, how to budget and the benefits of saving for a future goal. 

Year 3 night walk

Year 3 have been invited to attend a night walk to Wanstead Park on Thursday 9th May until 6pm. Please sign your child up on Arbor by Thursday 2nd May. 

And if you have some spare time this weekend, why not visit Wanstead Park yourself - the bluebells are still out and look lovely!


Lost property

Thankfully we aren’t collecting much lost property at the moment, but we will occasionally put lost items out in the main playground for parents and children to collect. You can help by making sure that your child’s clothing is named to allow us to return anything quickly. 


Welcome to the Newham Asylum seeker / refugee Helpline

This is for anyone who is an asylum seeker or refugee, family, friends or host.  Free advice is available on how to get help for health, money, food jobs and housing. Many languages are spoken.

Email: welcome.newham@newham.gov.uk or call 020 3373 3222, Monday to Friday 10am-5:30pm.

For a very useful guide have a look at bit.ly/asylumguide


E-Safety- Online Gaming

As a parent or carer, you play a key role in keeping your child safe online and supporting their online wellbeing. We know online gaming (through consoles and apps) is really popular amongst our children and can teach lots of important skills but it’s important that use is monitored and supported. The UK Safer Internet Centre has shared lots of great tips to support families around understanding age ratings, communicating with (known/unknown) players and online bullying. You can find out more by clicking on this link.